The Pride of Gloucestershire Trail

Featuring over 30 large Lions painted by amazing local artists; celebrating Gloucestershire’s rich history, culture and diversity. They will be joined by our Cub Club – a pride of little Lions lovingly created by local schools and community groups.

This is a fun, free and family-friendly event. Streets, parks and open spaces will dazzle with their vibrant colours and surprising designs. Helping to bring together our community to explore and feel pride in their local area.

Once the trail is over, the pride will reunite for a fantastic farewell weekend. The little Lions will return to their forever homes at the local school and community groups who created them.

The large Lions will then be auctioned to raise funds for Cheltenham and Gloucester Hospitals Charity.

Why a lion?

Lions represent the courage of all those who face cancer, not only as a patient but also as a loved one.

Lions work as a pride (family) to survive. They tenderly care for each other’s young, the elders work together to find food.

The Lions in Cheltenham and Gloucester will be ‘The Pride of Gloucestershire’, as will the new cancer facilities funded by The Big Space Cancer Appeal.

Once the Lions have left, their part in funding a centre of excellence for cancer in Gloucestershire will remain as a lasting legacy.

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A Wild in Art Event

Wild in Art is the leading producer of spectacular public art events which enrich, entertain, inform and connect communities – giving people of all ages a voice through art.

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